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>> Random Measures
        Ashley McConnell

Summary from Backcover:


Sam's got trouble. He's Leaped into a young half-breed Indian named Wickie - with no background, no mission, and no word from Al.

Meanwhile, Al's found something more interesting than Sam's mission. A beautiful woman named Janna...Janna Calavicci. As in Mrs. Al Calavicci.

But martial bliss may be short-lived as time runs out for Sam. Because helping Sam could change more than Wickie's future. It could erase Janna from his life forever ...

ISBN: #1-57297-095-2 (USA)

Copyright: 1995 by MCA Publishing Rights

Printing History:

Ace edition/March 1995
Boulevard edition/July 1995

Pages: 227

Cover Art: Stephen Gardner


To the memory of Dennis Wolfberg, a fine actor who will be sincerely missed by all the fans of Quantum Leap

Acknowledgments given:

Thanks for this one go to the ever-merciful and understanding editors Ginjer Buchanan and Nancy Cushing-Jones, and to Kathy Mclaren, Anne Wasserman, Kim Round, Lisa Winters (woof woof) and Arianwen, Nancy Holder, John Donne, all those who hang out in Those Topics on GEnie, and all the people I meant to acknowledge all along.

Place: upstate New York

Leap-date: Thursday, June 6, 1975

Leapee's Name: Wickie Gray Wolf Starczynski