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>> Independence
        John Peel

Summary from Backcover:


It's August 1776. The War for Independence has begun, pitting neighbor against neighbor. Samuel Beckett must take his stand with one site or the other.

But Samuel Beckett - the real Samuel Beckett - is now over two hundred years in the future, and his several-time-great-grandson has taken his place.

Is Samuel Beckett a patriot or a Tory? Or, as some suspect, a double agent? Ziggy doesn't know and Sam's swiss-cheesed brain can't remember the family history.

So Sam is left on his own to discover the dangerous truth ...

ISBN: #1-57297-150-9 (USA)

Copyright: 1996 by MCA Publishing Rights

Printing History: Boulevard edition/August 1996

Pages: 247

Cover Art: Stephen Gardner


The first few seconds of any Leap were always the worst for Sam Beckett. To be catapulted into an unknown situation, looking at the world through God-knew-whose eyes, and trying to make sense of things before disaster struck was never very easy.

  Having a knife held to his throat didn't make the process any easier.

  "Well?" growled the knife wielder, pressing slightly harder with the blade. The knife wasn't well cared for, but the slightly dulled blade was still sharp enough to break the skin of his throat and start a drop of blood trickling downward. "Are you with us, Sam Beckett, or not?"

  Still trying to determine where he was, being addressed by his given name threw Sam. Had he somehow Leaped back along his own time line again? Had his mysterious guiding Fate thrown him back, unprepared, into an earlier version of himself?

  No; that couldn't be the case. For one thing, to the best of his Swiss-cheesed memory, he'd never been held at knifepoint in his life. That didn't mean much, of course, because as a result of the Quantum Leap he had made, he seemed to have left a lot of the molecules of his memory back in the year he had started from- whenever that might be. Besides, second, he doubted if he'd ever forget the look of the man who was glaring at him in the gloomy light of the cabin.